William Friedkin directed "The Exorcist," which premiered in 1973. The film is based on William Peter Blatty’s 1971 novel and became one of the highest-grossing horror movies of all time. It is often cited as one of the scariest films ever made.Norman Bates is the unsettling innkeeper in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 thriller "Psycho." His complex relationship with his mother became one of the most iconic storylines in the horror genre.Camp Crystal Lake is the setting for the original "Friday the 13th" film released in 1980. It’s the camp where the vengeful spirit of Jason Voorhees haunts and hunts the counselors.The line "Here’s Johnny!" is famously yelled by Jack Torrance, played by Jack Nicholson, as he hacks through a door with an axe. The line and the scene are among the most memorable in horror history."The Ring" (2002) introduced audiences to a cursed videotape that kills viewers seven days after watching it. The film was a remake of the Japanese horror movie "Ringu."Freddy Krueger, the villain of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series, uses a glove with razor-sharp blades to terrorize his victims in their dreams. The glove became an iconic symbol of horror."Tubular Bells" by Mike Oldfield became synonymous with "The Exorcist." Though not originally composed for the film, the music perfectly encapsulated the eerie atmosphere and became iconic.Ghostface is the masked killer in Wes Craven's "Scream" series. The films often combine horror with elements of satire and are noted for their self-awareness of horror tropes.Anthony Hopkins portrayed Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant but cannibalistic psychiatrist, in "The Silence of the Lambs." His chilling performance earned him an Academy Award and made Lecter one of cinema’s most memorable villains."Get Out," directed by Jordan Peele, primarily takes place in a seemingly idyllic suburban home. The film addresses issues of race and exploitation, making it a modern horror classic.Chucky is the main antagonist of the "Child's Play" series. He's a doll possessed by the soul of a serial killer, making him one of the most unforgettable characters in horror history."The Babadook" is a 2014 Australian psychological horror film. It follows a widow and her son as they grapple with a malevolent entity that has come from a children's book. The film was acclaimed for its depth and psychological complexity."Jaws," directed by Steven Spielberg in 1975, features a great white shark that terrorizes a small resort town. The film became an instant classic and made many people afraid to go into the water.In "The Walking Dead," the term "Walkers" is commonly used to refer to the zombies that have overrun the world. Although the show is based on a comic series, it has also spawned its own universe of media, including video games and spin-off series.The Overlook Hotel is the setting for Stephen King's "The Shining," which was adapted into a film directed by Stanley Kubrick. The hotel itself becomes a character in the story, complete with its own haunted history.Jūs ieguvāt 0 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 1 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 2 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 3 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 4 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 5 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 6 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 7 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 8 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 9 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 10 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 11 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 12 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 13 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 14 no 15Jūs ieguvāt 15 no 15
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Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Vienkārši pastāstiet mums, kas jūs esat, lai redzētu savus rezultātus!
Who directed the horror masterpiece "The Exorcist"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
In which film does the character Norman Bates make his first appearance?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What is the name of the camp in "Friday the 13th"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What is the iconic line said by Jack Torrance in "The Shining"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Which horror movie features a cursed videotape?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What is the weapon of choice for Freddy Krueger?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Which 1970s horror film features a soundtrack primarily made up of the sound of a tubular bell?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Which horror film involves a killer named Ghostface?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Which famous actor played the role of Dr. Hannibal Lecter in "The Silence of the Lambs"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What is the setting of the 2017 horror film "Get Out"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What is the name of the possessed doll in "Child's Play"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Which horror film features a mother's struggle against an invisible entity known as the Babadook?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What type of animal terrorizes the town in "Jaws"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What are the villains commonly referred to in "The Walking Dead"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
What's the name of the hotel in "The Shining"?
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Apsveicam, jūs pabeidzāt! Šeit ir jūsu rezultāts:
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Apsveicam, jūs pabeidzāt! Šeit ir jūsu rezultāts:
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Apsveicam, jūs pabeidzāt! Šeit ir jūsu rezultāts:
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Apsveicam, jūs pabeidzāt! Šeit ir jūsu rezultāts:
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!
Apsveicam, jūs pabeidzāt! Šeit ir jūsu rezultāts:
Welcome to the darkest corners of cinematic history. Are you a true fan of horror, or do you just dip your toes in the genre come Halloween? If you think you can handle the scare, test your knowledge with this horror movie quiz that spans from classic thrillers to modern-day nightmares. Are you brave enough to take on these 15 spine-chilling questions? Don't say we didn't warn you!